
Introducing paybook

Payroll management software ( Trinidad & Tobago) that's simple and powerful. Paybook effortlessly takes care of payroll, saving tons of work, time and hassle, all in a clean, well designed interface and is also very affordable. Our clients couldn't be any happier.


Easily pay employees


Pay weekly and monthly paid employees by simply entering their times, hours or salary. Everything else is automatically done for you.

Very user friendly


Paybook is designed to give premium usability and learnability as possible in software. You'll learn to use it naturally in no time.

Everything you need


Paybook handles all payroll needs including taxes, overtime, leave, allowances, commission, bonuses, plans, loans and deductions.

TD4, NIS in one click


TD4, NI184, 187, Health Surcharge, PAYE, ACH, payslips, pay period summaries, bank information and other reports done in one click.

Record keeping


Paybook automatically keeps all records by week, fortnight, month, employee and year. All records are also print friendly. 100% accurate.

Email built-in

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Email is knitted in Paybook. Giving you the option to email payslips to employees and even reports to your accountant or clients directly.

Multiple Companies


Accounting firms and accountants can manage payroll for all their clients using our multiple company edition of Paybook.

Department Filters


Paybook gives larger companies the ability to filter all their employees and reports by department, in a very intuitively designed feature.

Time Clock 1-2-3

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Paybook seamlessly integrates with any time clock machine. Allowing complete processing of payroll in a couple seconds. Powerful.

Save time and money


Paybook allows companies to easily take care of and never worry about payroll. You'll save alot of time and can now focus on business.

Online Support


Any queries you may have with Paybook can be handled quickly online. We can also push updates out to you with minimal effort.

Happy Clients

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Join our ever-growing list of satisfied clients. Request a quote on the Contact Us page above. A trial is also available.

Sneak Peek